Blanka in use

The first font I made, early 2014. Free.
Five years later I decided to gather all designs I could find – most of the time discovered randomly – using Blanka font.

Here is a short selection of the best ones. 

Blanka in the Wild

Blanka in use - Bernard Minier

M, le bord de l’abîme
2019, Bernard Minier — XO Éditions


Le Jardin Défendu — 1500 m² open-air at La Défense
2019, Paris — 40 Hertz

Blanka in use at La Défense!

Chill with Blanka

CONCOURS with Blanka

Hold my Blanka!

AEROFARA — Hardware sellers

Aerofara using Blanka font

SOMATIC — Prosthetic Limbs
2015, Aimee Curran

Blanka in use with La Revista C

La Revista C — Bellas Artes University magazine
2014, México


If you’re using Blanka at home, office or at a cocktail bar on a sunny beach,
send me your visuals at







M, le bord de l’abîmeYoutube
Le Jardin Défendu — Instagram & Facebook
La Revista C

Aime Curran
Google Images




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